Monthly Archives: November, 2010


Finishing Up!


There is no final in my class, but all papers and make-up work is due by the end of final’s week.

I will e-mail the summary of your assignments (what has been turned in and what has not been turned in) by the beginning of final’s week. 

Meanwhile, you know what you did and didn’t do. Did you finish the two discussion boards?  Did you forget to send me the civilization screen shot?  What about the Google Maps pictures?  This is a very good time to SEND THEM TO ME!!!

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Reflective Essay


Your reflective essay is the same topic as your in-class essay.  Consider your in-class essay to be a rough draft for this essay.  Do not turn in the reflective essay, just post it directly to your e-portfolio.

Here is the essay topic:

Reflect upon your writing before you were in WISE English, and as you moved through the program this year.  What is the most significant thing you learned this year, and how do you think it will prepare you for your future?

InSite Movie Review Submission


Dear Class,

I fixed the Insite problem, and you can submit your movie review now.  Sorry for the delay!  It is all working now.

Dr.  K

E-Portfolio on WordPress

The e-portfolio is your WordPress Blog.  It counts toward a major part of your grade at the end of the semester.  The following are the requirements for completing the portfolio assignment:

  1. Establish an e- portfolio and give Dr. K the address so that it is posted to her WordPress site.  Please make sure that Dr. K has your portfolio link on her page!!  IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE SHE HAS YOUR PORTFOLIO INFORMATION.
  2. Every e-portfolio must have an “About me” section that includes information about you and a picture.
  3. Every e-portofolio must include a page for English 105WS.  If you also have History 201WS, please make sure you also have a page for history.
  4. Under the English 105WS tab, you must include the following sub-pagesin this order:
    1. Origin Stories Paper
    2. Annotated Bibliography
    3. Cultural Analysis Paper
    4. Movie Review
    5. Reflective paper
  5. Please make sure that your subpages show up on your blog.  If they do not show, please use a widget to display your subpages on your blog.

Don’t Forget!! Meet in Kresge Lab on Tuesday, November 16


Dear Class,

On Tuesday, November 16th, we will be meeting in Kresge Lab to work on our e-Portfolio fo the class.  Please make sure you are there, and you know how to get on your WordPress site.

The e-Portfolio is required for credit in my class.  Make sure you are there for this very important class!!

Dr. K

In Class Writing 11/11/2010

Note:  We will be working on a reflective essay for the end of the course.  This in-class essay should serve as a working draft for that essay.

Please turn in to Dr. K in class if it is written out, or mail it to turninmypaper if you typed it.

Dr. K

In Class Essay

Reflect upon your writing before you were in WISE English, and as you moved through the program this year.  What is the most significant thing you learned this year, and how do you think it will prepare you for your future?

Registration Deadline: December 3



(After Dec. 3, a $100 Late Fee will be assessed.)
There will be NO overrides for late registration.

The 2011 Graduation Application Deadline is Monday, Dec. 13, 2010.

For more information, see your academic advisor.


Click for voter information

Tuesday, November 2, help make history!

This is a historic mid-term election.  Make sure your voice is heard: VOTE!!!

Academic Movie Review


Please finish the rough draft for your academic movie review by Thursday, November 4th.

In class on tuesdayWe will discuss some of the problems you encountered.  The full assignment can be accessed here.

The most important thing to remember about this review is that you must focus on one small aspect of the movie (a scene, a character, an issue), then analyze that small aspect of the movie through a critical lens.

It is OK to give a short synopsis of the movie so that you can clarify how what you will be doing, then go into the scene/issue you want to focus on, but PLEASE DO NOT RETELL THE MOVIE FOR YOUR WHOLE PAPER!!!  I have already seen the movie, I don’t need you to tell it to me again!

Start by focusing upon a small aspect of the movie.  Present a research question from a particular critical perspective.  Analyze the movie through that research question using three sources.   Don’t forget to include your sources in footnotes or end notes, and bibliography.